Discount Package: Business Start-Up (without shareholders agreement)
Our pack of start-up templates:
- For sole traders and companies with one owner
- Generous discount of 20%!
- Easy-to-complete templates
- Satisfaction guarantee

How Does It Work?
1. Download
2. Edit
3. Print
4. Sign
We have put together a tailored discount bundle for business start-ups that only have one shareholder, e.g.:
- a sole trader; or
- a limited company with one shareholder.
Because businesses like yours deserve it, we have set up this discount package with our most popular business templates. However, it does not include a shareholders agreement or director’s service agreement. You won’t need them if the business is owned by one person (whether as a sole trader or as a limited company with a sole owner). With Legalo, you just pay for what you need.
What if I have more than one shareholder?
If on the other hand, you are a limited company with more than one shareholder, then have a look at our Business Start-Ups discount package for such businesses. That one does include a shareholders agreement and directors service agreement.
We love to help new business start-ups get going, so this special bundle of templates will provide all you need to get up and running on a sound legal footing, without running up large legal bills. Buying this bundle gets you a saving of 25% on our already low prices! *
So what’s in the business start-ups bundle?
Our special business start-ups bundle comes with the following great templates:
- terms and conditions of trade – various types: goods/services; B2B & consumer sales;
- website terms of use;
- email disclaimer;
- our best-selling privacy policy and cookies policy (now GDPR-compliant);
- employment contract;
- disciplinary policy & procedure; and
- grievance policy & procedure.
All this for under £75. This saves you hundreds of pounds compared with your obtaining similar documents from a high street solicitor.
Get the Legalo Advantage for business start-ups
On top of all this, you still receive:
- our money-back guarantee;
- our free helpline service: by phone and email;
- a written guide to each template to help you complete them quickly and simply;
- (in case of changes to the law affecting these templates) free updates for life; and
- we won’t tie you into an annual subscription.
If you need any pointers with which legal documents you need as a business, then feel free to contact us, as we will be happy to help you.
We wish you all the best with your start-up business!
* Treating our bundle of terms and conditions of sale (4 different types are included) as just 1 at £24.95 – if you count them as 4, then the discount is actually over 57%.